Techtra, IV. DOSZFESZT – Free University for doctoral student
Techtra, IV. DOSZFESZT – Free University for doctoral student

The National Association of Doctoral Students (hereinafter referred to as DOSZ) has been representing and advocating for doctoral students in Hungary since 1994, alongside performing several important and noteworthy tasks.

This year, for the fourth time, from September 1 to 3, 2023, DOSZ organized the DOSZFESZT Free University at the University of Debrecen, providing a relaxed framework for professional and networking opportunities for participants. The aim of the lectures, workshops, and roundtable discussions was to prepare doctoral students for the challenges ahead in their research careers.

It was an honor that DOSZ invited Techtra as a professional participant, represented by Dr. Ferenc Dávid, a scientific colleague from our institute.

We hope that the collaboration between DOSZ and Techtra will continue in the future, enabling us to support Hungarian doctoral students in achieving their research goals together.

Source: IV. DOSZFESZT – Szabadegyetem Doktoranduszoknak