The Techtra Technology Transfer Institute has come under the aegis of the Board of Trustees of the Széchenyi István University Foundation. Techtra will strengthen the Board's incubation holding.

From January 1, 2023, the Techtra Technology Transfer Institute moved from the aegis of the Ministry of Technology and Industry to that of the Board of Trustees of the Széchenyi István University Foundation. Techtra's role is to support the Board's incubation holding along with HUMDA Lab Nonprofit Ltd. and ZalaZONE InnoTech Nonprofit Ltd. The aim of the incubation holding is the consolidation and utilization of knowledge, as well as research, development, and innovation. Techtra will contribute to these goals through its strategic corporate tasks, including collaboration with the National Laboratory of Cooperative Technologies, independent research, transfer activities, data-driven decision support, educational and training activities, and business development capabilities.
